Ice Ice Baby Biewers & Poodles
I started my love for poodles & a very successful grooming career as a young woman born & raised in Germany, 45 years ago. A few years later, with that fascination for poodles, “Dakota Ice Ice Baby Poodles” was born. And as time flies, the lovely Biewer Terrier became part of our breeding program in 2017. And “Ice Ice Baby Biewers” is now a big part of our very committed to excellence show program. We are a member in good standings with the BTCA, Biewer Terrier Club of America.
We pay close attention to conformation, temperament as well as OFA health testing.
All of our dogs are shown AKC, American Kennel club, to earn their championship/grand champion. UKC, United Kennel club is also an option. As well as CKC, Canadian kennel club.
We do not breed often, when we do, we make sure everything is 100%. And we are committed to help our new puppy owners along the way.
We live on a farm in the middle of North Dakota, with lots of room for our puppies to play.
Our Biewer Terrier Story
We have had three Biewer Terriers in our first years. Unfortunately, they did not meet our criteria for great breed & or show potential. So, the important decision, as an outstanding breeder was made, not to breed dogs with existing & potential health problems. Therefore we made sure to spay & neuter & place them in wonderful pet homes. Now, a new more diligent search for health-tested breeding stock became a top priority.
And then came Gracie, my Heart dog!
Talisman Nadezhdy Especial Ice Baby CM2. Our beautiful, Russian import. Gracie is a daughter of the well-known Bentley Zolotaya Imperiya. What a blessing this little Spitfire Biewer Terrier girl has bestowed upon our Kennel. This girl really loves herself a good dog show.
Her & Whisky are a match made in heaven. They have both passed all our health requirements with flying colors! I could not have asked for better, or more.
Let me tell you a little about our Sire Whisky
“AKC CH Windsong’s Something About a Tenor“ CM3, bred by Deborah Billings from Windsong’s Biewer Terriers. He joined ICE ICE BABY BIEWERS shortly after Gracie‘s arrival in 2019. This talented young puppy was the first Biewer to achieve his first CM under six months of age. He’s a real gentle soul, with the most loving personality anybody could wish for, in a sire. He has also produced some beautiful Biewer babies, which already have proven themselves in the show-ring. We are so proud of him! He was one of the first AKC champions in the year of being accepted into the AKC. He’s a half-brother to the lovely, famous “ Rumor”. Another top quality Windsong’s Biewer Terrier girl.
Let’s talk about grooming your Biewer
Terrier. It is not an easy feat for the average pet owner. But with a little determination, the long hair can be tamed. Good quality shampoo & conditioner is important, daily grooming is a must, with the proper tools. Which are also a necessity. A pet Biewer can certainly be groomed in a shorter style, but they will lose that beautiful breed style we all love. If you like to own one of our Ice babies we would certainly help you step-by-step to achieve your goals.
Our Ice babies are fed exclusively raw, we take great pride in keeping our dogs as healthy as possible. We believe this cannot be achieved with regular low-quality dog food. We are also very much aware of the over-vaccinating of pets. It is highly recommended you have a conversation with your veterinarian about titers.

"Ice Ice Baby"
We strive to breed Miniature Poodles which
adhere to the breed standard.
Biewers are one of our favorite breeds. We have bred
multiple Champions across the country.
Our Dogs